#889- Walnut and Teak Five String Banjo

A Walnut five string banjo with a 12” rim has become a popular model for us. The secondary wood, used for fretboard and trim, is often Pistachio. In this case we used some salvaged Teak from the Carpenter Ant stash in Portland. It is smooth and glassy and just hard enough for a banjo or uke fretboard. I wouldn’t buy this tropical wood new, but these salvaged scraps are fair game. The walnut is from Oregon. The skin head, non-steel strings and brass tone ring make a mellow but strong sound. A little leaf inlay with an important name wood burned into it by Nicole seals the deal.

Hey guys,
I’m absolutely blown away with how it turned out. I know I might have been a bit unconventional during the design process, but you both did an incredible job. Thank you both so much for doing the inlay...... it really means a lot and hopefully one day Nora will want to play and have it :)
- K. M.